About the Healthy Leader
Our Story
When Philip Dyer grew up his father’s favourite saying was “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, and this made him curious to research and understand the things that influenced his life. His father’s philosophy also inspired Philip to work to a high level in sport and fitness, pursuing martial arts for 25 years, winning several regional and national titles in the process, and competing at indoor rowing for 20 years gaining medals at national and international level.
It is ironic then that type 2 diabetes loomed large in his family with many members of his family, including his father, suffering from this terrible, and perhaps avoidable, disease. Sadly his older brother died at the age of 51 from complications related to diabetes.
These life experiences, both positive and negative, have driven his passion to share ways to improve everyone’s health and wellbeing. Now in his early 60’s, and thankfully free of diabetes, he appreciates how your physical and mental state can affect your ability to lead the life you want to lead. You may ask ‘Is it possible to design your lifestyle and take personal control of your health and wellbeing?’ Philip would say yes, with a little guidance and a willingness to commit to change.

Philip has been running his own businesses for over 30 years and during that time has witnessed first-hand a decline in the physical and mental wellbeing of UK PLC’s working adults – be that business owner or employee. The statistics are shocking, with problems hiding in plain sight. From weight gain (often a precursor to diabetes) to stress and anxiety, it is almost impossible to perform at your very best with these daily pressures bearing down on you.
So, what is the big idea? Healthy Leaders aims to influence the wellbeing of this great nation’s workforce from the top down resulting in improved selfcare and healthier teams which we know leads to increased personal productivity and business performance.
When you, as leaders, understand how to achieve this you will be able to support all members of the organisation to improve. The organisation is the people and the people need greater care. All it takes are simple and focussed changes. If you reduce unnecessary (and often wasteful) stress and pressure, you will end up with a healthier and happier workforce. If people are healthy and happy they will be more productive at work and at home.
We expect that by working with Healthy Leaders your workforce will also benefit by requiring less medication and fewer trips to the doctor, resulting in a healthier and happier teams, which equals increased productivity and performance.
Improved health and wellbeing matter to Philip because they can dramatically improve everyone’s quality of life. Become a Healthy Leader and start your journey to be the best version of you.